Tuesday, August 25, 2015
MTV World Stage 2015- Malaysia
Hai kpoppers!! Entry kali ni nak tulis dalam Bahasa Malaysia pulak. Untuk pengetahuan semua, MTV World Stage 2015 live in Malaysia akan diadakan pada 12 september. Tempat mcm biasa dekat Sunway Lagoon. Untuk show kali ni, kumpulan kpop yg akan buat persembahan ialahhhhhhh A-PINK. woot woot~~ sebenarnya saya salah seorang peminat A-PINK selain dari kumpulan kpop yg lain. Bagi saya la kan, semua lagu A- PINK best2! dengan image dorang yg comel2 dan x berapa seksi mcm kumpulan lain.Thats why i like them. hehehehe. member yg saya paling suka of course eunji. yg lain mcm mana pulak?? sape yg anda suka? selain A-PINK, artis lain yg datang B.O.B, CARLY RAE JEPSEN dan artis jepun (maaf, x kenal pulak sape artis jepun tu). artis malaysia saya x sure ada ke tak. so kepada korang korang semua yg minat kpop, jom la ramai2 datang konsert MTV ni. rugiii woiiii kalau x dtg. saya pernah sekali pergi konsert ni. serious best! time tu tahun 2013, yang ada Jay Park, Justin Bieber. sumpahhh best. nak tercabut anak tekak menjerit. hehehe. tahun lps yg dtg EXO. So, dekat sini nak bagitau masuk ke konsert ni adalah PERCUMA. tp mcm mana nak dpt tiket?? hah senang je. pegi laman web MTV world stage. then pegi dekat win passes. korang jawab la soalan yg pihak MTV sediakan. tp kan rasanya pemenang tiket ni ikut luck. sbb sape yg dpt jawab soalan tu pon x consider menang. jadi kenalah tulis kenapa anda semua nak pergi MTV world Stage ni. pemenang akan dapat 2 tiket. bestt tuhh. have fun uollss. sekian dari saya. saranghaeyo~~
*p/s- entri kali ni saja je gatal tangan nk tulis BM.
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
As u guys already know, BIG BANG will make their concert on 25 July 2015 (Saturday) located in Putra indoor stadium, Bukit Jalil. phewwww many of BIG BANG fans waiting for this concert right?? Im too excited guys. this will be the second time BIG BANG performed in Malaysia.
First concert was on 2013. Many of their fans willing to stay until the concerts finish even though there is heavy rain! So for this year, its a bit lucky for BIG BANG fans as they made the concert at indoor stadium. So the good part is, i heard that they add the concert date on 24 July 2015 (Friday). Its a good news for fans who cant make it on Saturday.But the things, many of the tickets sold out already!!! im not sure whether there is tickets left or not. So to fans who going to the BIG BANG WORLD TOUR IN MALAYSIA, i hope that u guys having fun there.
Here is the tickets price:
Rock zone A : RM 798
Rock zone B : RM 698
VIP CAT 1 : RM 698
CAT 2 : RM 598
CAT 3 : RM 498
CAT 4 : RM 288
So for this year, the ticket price is a bit expensive because of 6% GST. wth
Monday, June 1, 2015
KPOP World Festival in Malaysia!
Hi everybody!!! its been a long time i didn't open my blog. I've been busy with my work. Just finish my studies now its time to work. However i still didn't forget about K-POP. BECAUSE K-POP IS AWESOME-yeahhh~~~
In this my first entry for year 2015, i want to update some kpop events especially for kpop fans around Malaysia. For this coming 14 June 2015 (Sunday), there is Kpop World Festival in Malaysia! located at Sunway Giza mall (Damansara). and the excited things is that VIXX will be coming to performed a show!!! excited right?? i think about last 2 years i saw VIXX performed at Sg Wang. owhhh i miss VIXX so much.
So the good news is, if u guys want to attend the fans meeting, to meet VIXX members nearer, u guys just need to go to KBS WORLD page and need to post entry about interesting place in Malaysia (Follow the instructions provided). Its easy!! if win,, u guys will get a pair of tickets. its sound interesting right? Then, there also a competition for guys to join. So hurry up and go for KBS WORLD page to know more .
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
My Lovely Ren
Annyeonghaseyo! Now lets move on to another topic after MH17. Its about my most favorite bias, of course Ren from Nuest! Before this, Ren appearance looks more like a youja i mean more likes girls. With his long white hair and adorable plus cute face, i think every fangirls out there will be jealous looking at Ren. what i can say here, he's more beautiful than a woman!! just looked at his appearance when performing Girls Day songs- something. owhhh im so speechless!
Nahh what do you think?
He's performed this songs with others beautiful guys which is Minhyuk from Btob , Hongbin from Vixx and Seungjin from A-jax.
Nahh the picture for you
Now Ren changed his style that make him more like namja! seriously im melting~~ He's become more handsome for Nu'est new album called Re- Birth. Other members are handsome too. It just that i love Ren more. :DD
* Handsome right?? hewhewhew
Friday, July 18, 2014
May MH17 Rest in Peace (17 July 2014)
Not even a years we heard about the missing of Malaysia Airlines (MAS) MH370, now we heard about the news on Malaysia Airlines Flight (MAS) MH17 that was shot by Pro-Russian groups when it was on Ukraine air space. This is due to the conflict that happened between Ukraine and Russia. IT was a horrible tragedy that supposed not to happened!! The actions taken by Russian Military killed many innocent life! As Malaysian, im felt so sad with this news as the news about MH370 still remains unresolved and another one tragedy emerged to Malaysia Airlines (MAS). The plane was carrying a total numbers of 295 passengers including 15 crews. No ones survived in this tragedy and they all died on the spot. The passengers involves included Malaysia, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Indonesia, Australia and other countries. Netherlands has the highest numbers of passengers in this flight with total 198 peoples. When i saw all the pictures, it just break my heart. Its to sad to saw all the bodies lying everywhere. Hope the authority parties can do something about this!! We don't want this tragedy to happened in future!! Im expressed my condolences to all the families of the passengers that involved in this crash. Salam Takziah... May the victims rest in peace
* Whatever happened, im still support Malaysia Airlines forever.
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Lets pray for MH370 !!
Annyeonghaseyo!! hi guys. today im not gonna update about any kpop news as im here to update about the missing of Malaysia Airlines (MAS) MH370 that on their ways from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing . As Malaysian im feel so sad about this news! i hope that the missing aircraft will be found as soon as possible. until now we dint get any clue about the MH370 that has lost contact with Subang Air Traffic Control. The Plans was carrying a total number of 227 passengers and was lost while it was in Vietnamese airspace. im hoping that MH370 can be found immediately. i cant imagine if one of my family members involve in this incident. it will be truly sad guys! so kpoppers around the worlds as well as Malaysia lets pray for MH370 and the safety of the passengers.
* just for additional information, im also will fly to Vietnam with MAS for class trip on April 2014. so im a little bit worried about that. watever it is hello vietnam!
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Annyeonghaseyo yoerobbun!
Long time i didn't update my blog! how are you chingus?? hope everyone goods! lately I've busy with my study. there's lot of assignment need to do! haishh super tension lol..ok now lets focus to kpop events that happened around Malaysia. For your info like always there will be a lot of concerts held in Malaysia.and i miss all the concerts! haishhh what to do?? if you get the chances to go all the concerts, you're such a lucky persons! pity me >_<
here I will list out all the concerts that will take place soon!

Super Show 5 SuperJunior World Tour In Kuala Lumpur will be held on 23rd November 2013 at Putra Indoor Stadium, Bukit Jalil

Infinite 'One Great Step' Word Tour In Malaysia will be held on 19th october 2013 at Stadium Negara

Vixx First Global Showcase 2013 'The Milky Way' live in Kuala Lumpur will be held on 20th October 2013 at HGH convention centre
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